Round-up 1st March 2016

Cloud security!

A quick note to say I’m speaking at the AWS Sydney meetup in April with a talk on cost control. I hope to see you there, come say hello. I’ll also put a link to the slides up here too.

Here’s the latest selection of tech articles that caught my eye - there’s a security and serverless focus this time.

Industry Best Practices for Securing AWS Resources - essential reading if you are responsible for AWS security, or even just to properly secure your own personal account.

How to Use AWS WAF to Block IP Addresses That Generate Bad Requests - uses Lambda, Cloudfront logs and CloudWatch. It will be interesting to see what throughput the Lambda function can get in parsing Cloudfront logs - the 5 minute Lambda runtime may not be long enough for larger site logs.

From Monolith to Microservices — Part 1: AWS Lambda and API Gateway - a great primer on serverless architecture.

Getting Started with AWS Lambda (Node JS) - Tom’s follow up article on NodeJS and Lambda.

Raspberry Pi 3 on sale now at US$35 - built in wifi and Bluetooth making this an all in one IoT device.

Control your Keurig B60 through your Amazon Echo, using the Alexa Skills Kit and AWS IOT service - some hardware hacking required.

AWS Latency - check latency to AWS services in various regions from your browser.

Package, reuse and share particles for CloudFormation projects

Service Oriented Architecture with AWS Lambda: A Step-by-Step Tutorial

Claudia - ‘Claudia helps you deploy Node.js microservices to Amazon Web Services easily.’

A Billion Taxi Rides in Redshift - analysing NYC trip data.

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