Round-up 14th April 2016


AWS is 10! Werner Vogels, AWS CTO, shared his 10 lessons learnt over that time.

Docker strategy deemed overly ambitious by users, partners. The users of Docker that I encounter are happy with it but want to use a range of tools - picking the best of each for their needs - e.g. Kubernetes over Swarm, etc. So long as the base Docker product continues to develop I see no harm in that. It’s like the Google strategy of throwing a bunch of ideas out and killing the ones that don’t get mass adoption. Better that than being a single product company that gets ‘Sherlocked’.

The publishers of the excellent AWS certification courses, A Cloud Guru , show us behind the scenes of their serverless infrastructure. They use Firebase which does appear to have a concerning amount of downtime and/or the inability to do rolling upgrades.

Still no Google data centres in Australia. Does it matter? Yes, for latency sensitive applications. For data sovereignty, not so much - if you go with a US company don’t be surprised to find the region of adjudication is the US regardless of where you store your data.

Managing Digital Assets in a Serverless Architecture - a decent deck from AWS and Vidispine

Another deck on serverless architectures from the AWS Lambda Product Manager. I really wish I could find a recording for this one - anyone?

Google Stackdriver is a combined logging analytic and dashboard for GCE and AWS.

Immutable deployments with AWS Cloudformation and Lambda. Next level CFN work here.

IAM Docker - one issue with Docker containers is that multiple containers on one EC2 host share a role. This tool is effectively a ‘proxy’ for IAM role requests from containers, allowing different roles to be assumed.

A quick start guide for Puppet in AWS. Includes a Cloudformation template and installs a 3.8.6 Puppet master and Windows and Linux agents. Still no OpsWorks Puppet eh.

Creating cross account permissions for AWS CodeDeploy.

A decent overview of SQL and NoSQL from Ars.

A laudable attempt to collect post incident reports - there is much to learn from history

Manage your AWS infrastructure with Amazon Alexa. At last my dream has come true - ‘Alexa, terminate all the untagged EC2 instances’.

Yeobot is a SQL command line for AWS implemented as a Slack plugin. ChatOps lives.

Alexa Voice Service running on the Raspberry Pi.

181PB in optical cold storage. Scale, and then some.